Creating Bot Answers
To add an answer or a hidden answer click the Plus (+) button above the appropriate list in the bot's Answers section and fill out the fields in the SimpleChat Answer form as follows:
- Question: The question to which the answer will be linked. Each answer can be linked to only one question
- Condition: When expecting a numerical input, the condition that will be applied to the input against of the Answer The first answer that meets the conditions in order of display is the one that will be selected. If the field is blank the answer will be displayed for selection, as in a static list
Note: The Condition field is displayed only in answers to questions of type Whole Number, Decimal, Floating point, and Currency. To test conditions for a different type of question or to define more complex conditions defined a bot action of type Run Workflow, check the conditions in the workflow, and return the required follow-up action depending on the result
- Answer: The answer that will be displayed to the customer, as a button or card on chat and Facebook channels
- Update Subject: If checked, selecting this answer will fill in the answer in the conversation's subject
- Subtitle: The subtitle displayed in the card (on chat and Facebook channels)
- Link Title: The link title displayed in the card (on chat and Facebook channels)
- Link: The address of the link displayed in the card (on chat and Facebook channels)
- Image: The address of the image displayed in the card (on chat and Facebook channels)
- On Success: The follow-up action to take when when this answer is selected by the customer: Continue Bot, Exit Bot or Mark as Complete
- On Success Follow-up: The follow-up question to be presented to the customer by the bot if On Success is set to Continue Bot
- Destination Queue: The queue to which the conversation will be routed if On Success is set to Exit Bot, provided it is not a child bot. If blank the default value will be taken from the question, and if in the question the field is blank the default value is taken from the channel
- Time For First Response (Seconds): The time from starting to wait for a free agent until an agent is supposed to reply to the customer. Sets the due date, according to which the conversation is prioritized from other conversations that are awaiting to be routed to an agent and even after routing to an agent, an indication is displayed to the agent according to the time he has left to answer the customer. For example, a bot can ask the customer how urgent the problem is, and depending on the answer chosen, the more urgent the problem, the shorter the time, in order to give priority to the more urgent problems
- Display Order: For questions that expect a numerical answer, such as an integer or currency, and provided the field is not filled in when successful, this field determines the order in which the answers will be tested. For all other questions and answers the field determines the order in which the answers that will be displayed to the user for selection are sorted
- Alternatives: Alternatives to the answer that the bot can identify separated by commas (such as synonyms or misspellings)
- Custom JavaScript: JavaScript code that will be launched when the customer selects this answer, such as opening up a URL
Note: When using an external template, such as in WhatsApp, the possible answers must be defined as part of the question wording in the template (the system does not pass the possible answers as template parameters) and separately establish the answers in the system itself so that it can identify the customer's choice. An explanation of external templates is detailed in the section Setting Up Quick Answer Templates below.