Types of Questions and Actions

These are the types of questions and actions that can be configured for a bot

Question / action


Static list

A static list of options to choose from

CRM view

A dynamic list based on a list of returned results from a CRM view


A dynamic list based on a query defined in FetchXML syntax


Question for which the expected answer from the customer is textual

Whole number

Question for which the expected answer is an integer

Decimal number

Question for which the expected answer is a decimal number

Floating point number

Question for which the expected answer is a floating point number


Question for which the expected answer is a currency


Question for which the expected answer is a date

Public message

A message that will also be displayed to the customer, and the bot will immediately proceed without waiting for a response

Internal message

A message that only agents will see, not to the customer, and the bot will immediately proceed without waiting for a response


Request identification, and the customer must respond with the code sent to him separately by SMS


Request to upload an image. The image will be saved as an attachment in a conversation note titled as the question


Request to upload a file. The image will be saved as an attachment in a conversation note titled as the question


Request to send a location or address.

Note: If the customer sends an address the system will try to calculate its location, and if there is a problem with the geocoding interface the bot will proceed to the follow-up operation No Options, otherwise if no answers in the expected area are returned from the geocoding interface the bot will repeat the question until reaching a defined amount of retires, and afterwards the bot will proceed to the follow-up operation Invalid Answer.

Run child bot

An action that allows another bot to be run, and when the child bot reaches an Exit Bot follow-up action it will end and the current bot will continue to the same follow-up operation: On Success, Invalid AnswerNo options or No response

Note: To avoid infinite loops you can run a child bot from a child bot up to a depth of 10 levels, beyond that a No Options operation will be activated

Run workflow

An action that allows you to run a synchronous workflow to apply complex logic and return to the bot the next action it must perform using the custom workflow step: Return On Success, Return Invalid Response or Return No Options. If the same follow-up operation is set to Continue Bot, the follow-up question defined for the operation in the bot will be executed, unless an alternative follow-up question has been passed to the workflow step. If no response is returned within a defined duration the bot will process to the No Response operation. In addition, On Success,  if Last Answer is not empty the answer to the previous question will be kept in the field specified for Last Answer, which allows validation to be applied to an answer before it is saved